My New Quest


Hello Fellow Questers,

It seems like the whole world has been thrown off course and into quest-land, doesn’t it? I’m a big fan of quest novels. Give me a hero with a powerful want and an undisclosed need and I’m a goner.

Quests thrill me in fiction: danger, surprises, long winding roads, caves, and fog…sometimes giant spiders or rats… These are exciting from the sidelines of my comfy couch.

But in real life? Hmmm. At first, it was just a shock. I had to cancel four home school classes, including a theater class- three weeks shy of showtime. That broke me. But, after a week of art therapy in my studio (aka my garage), I felt much better.  Still, the  loss triggers phantom pains, much like grief.

Now, in week three, I am determined not to let this thing beat me.

In Romans 8:28, God says He “works ALL things together for GOOD to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”

I love Him and I’m called, so that’s for me.

I am choosing today to let Him use this nightmare for good. I’m getting out of my funk and onto my next quest. My want is strong–to grow spiritually and creatively. My need? Still undisclosed, but I will discover it as I journey along with my Lord.

That’s why I resurrected this old blog. That’s why I’m teaching myself to draw and plotting a short story (I’m a pantser by nature). I’m shaking the rust off my art and starting a YouTube channel. Take that resistance!

I hope you find something here to inspire you. I want to encourage you.

We can’t control outside forces, but we dang sure can choose what we let inside our minds and hearts.

I pray today we all choose joy. I pray we let God use this isolation time to grow something beautiful in each of us.

He gets all the Glory!


About Kathryn's Journal

I'm married to my best friend, Daniel, and blessed to be called Mama by five amazing young people; Cass, Sam, Audrey, Caroline and Joe. We're living the home schooling lifestyle. I'm growing daily as a writer, mixed media artist and photographer. Walking by faith, following Jesus, and thrilled to get to know my new daughter in love, Layla!

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