God is Green


“Mom, why don’t we recycle anything?” My sweet boy asked me one day.

“Oh golly honey, I don’t need another job.” I said, as I threw away a plastic container.

“I’ll help.” He said, his blue eyes imploring me with the puppy-head-tilt.

“Oh, okay, Bubby. I’ll work on it.” I said, reaching into the trash to rescue the slimy jug.

I jumped off the recycling wagon many years ago. But when my ten year old son turned “green” on me, I decided it was time to start washing out my trash again. In the process, I unexpectedly redefined myself as an artist.

In a home bursting with children, my art world had shriveled to a few shelves in my laundry room. Diapers and home schooling curriculum took precedence over expensive art supplies. Occasionally, I would ferret a few minutes to a create something on top of my dryer. But, frustration often hindered me.

I prayed about it and realized I was not being content. My focus was on lack, instead of gratitude. I decided to be more inventive. The Lord mercifully yanked the blinders off, reminding me of the cliche’— Necessity is the mother of invention.

I began to visualize the artistic potential of vibrant candy foils, broken dishes (we have a lot of those), old jewelry and a myriad of other things I’d overlooked. Rinsed out salsa jars became up-cycled mosaic vases. I painted over tired artwork from thrift stores. I collected junk mail and free magazines for collages and altered books. I home schooled myself in the art of mixed media via YouTube and the library.

I soon recognized that God is “green” too. He doesn’t throw us away just because we’re a mess, or old, or broken. If we’ll let Him, He’ll clean us up and re-purpose us. He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise (1 Cor. 1:27). He reinvents our lives, transforming us into works of splendor and meaning. Beauty for ashes. (Isaiah 61:3) That is the heart of our awesome God.

About Kathryn's Journal

I'm married to my best friend, Daniel, and blessed to be called Mama by five amazing young people; Cass, Sam, Audrey, Caroline and Joe. We're living the home schooling lifestyle. I'm growing daily as a writer, mixed media artist and photographer. Walking by faith, following Jesus, and thrilled to get to know my new daughter in love, Layla!

6 responses »

  1. Great message. Love the way you share life’s revelations in real life parables. You make it easy to relate. God Bless!

    On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Kathryns Journal wrote:

    > Kathryn’s Journal posted: ““Mom, why don’t we recycle anything?” My sweet > boy asked me one day. “Oh golly honey, I don’t need another job.” I said, > as I threw away a plastic container. “I’ll help.” He said, his blue eyes > imploring me with the puppy-head-tilt. “Oh, okay, Bubby. I” >


  2. Dearest Kathryn: You’ve done it again. Reeled me in with a beautiful and authentic story and then hooked me with the spiritual principle. You have a wonderful gift, sweet friend. And I am so thankful to be following you. I’m sharing this one with my little green “Pickle Boy” (aka Jesse, age 5, who loves green and says Pickle Prayers for me when he’s munching on a dill). He’ll probably start a recycling project of his own. Giving gratitude with you that children are such an inspiration.


    • I love you girl…. Thank you so much for everything. You encourage me so much. I love hearing about your “Pickle Boy!” Sounds like a story in the making to me! Amen on the gratitude thing. Children give us so much fodder. It is endless. What would I be doing without them? I’m glad I don’t know. XO


  3. Oh, this is so much fun to read. I can just see your colorful house full of children and up-cycled makeovers. And, yes, I’m being recycled all the time by the Creator.


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